A balanced diet is key to stay healthy, and at Conservas Serrats, we want to give you a hand. That is why we have created Nutrition and health for your daily life with Dr. Arantza López-Ocaña, a new blog section dedicated to nutrition, where Dr. López-Ocaña will guide us on the way to a balanced diet through talks on healthy habits, seasonal products, food labeling…

And to launch this new section, we have organized a digital talk, in which Dr. López-Ocaña will address some of your questions about nutrition. You can follow the talk live on our Instagram account on Friday October 19, at 12:00. It is also our way to join the World Food Day, celebrated that same week on October 16.

Feel free to send us your questions about nutrition until Wednesday, October 17, through the post we created on Facebook. We will select some of the questions received, and Dr. López-Ocaña will address them during the digital talk. You can also ask questions via Instagram Live during the talk. However, we do recommend you to ask them in advance via Facebook, since the response time will be limited and we will give priority to the questions received before October 17th.

Digital talk with Dr. López-Ocaña

Friday, October 19.
Instagram Live @serratsconservas

Do you have any questions about food? Let us know by responding to our Facebook post before October 17!



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